THE REDUCED TRANSLITERATION ASSEMBLER LANGUAGE (RTAL) DEFINITION ================================================================ Dr.-Ing. R. Böhm, Bad Schandau 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 23.08.2004 Initial 01.09.2004 Implementation Vimage 4.1.149. onerr, toa, tob ... version, 128 instructions 26.10.2004 Implementation Vimage 4.1.180. Reduced to 98 instructions 14.12.2004 Implementation Vimage 4.1.189. 97 instructions. rec[iproke] removed, end -> _end 08.08.2005 Implementation Vimage 4.1.228. 97 instructions 15.09.2005 Implementation Vimage 4.1.232. Other Earth radius and Earth flattenig symbols: R -> ®, f -> ®f 16.09.2005 Implementation Vimage 4.1.232. Register r0 ... r7 30.01.2006 Implementation Vimage 4.1.237. InStringLineFeet Char ¶ 16.09.2006 Implementation Vimage 4.1.241. 11.11.2007 Implementation Vimage 4.1.248 14.11.2007 Stand alone RTA environment rta.exe written 24.04.2008 Implementation Vimage 4.1.251. 10.01.2010 Implementation Vimage 4.1.261. 20.08.2010 Implementation Vimage 4.1.270. arcus instructions, printn, err GRAMMAR ------- ::= {} ::= {}{} ::= | | | ::= {} ::= {} | ::= {} ::= : ::= | | | | | | | | | | | | mov | clr | inc | dec add | sub | mul | div power | root exp | exp2 | exp10 | expx log | log2 | log10 | logx sin | cos | tan | cot | sec | csc | asin | acos | atan | acot | asec | acsc sinh | cosh | tanh | coth | sech | csch | asinh | acosh | atanh | acoth | asech | acsch bin | not | and | or abs | neg | sgn | round | ceil | floor fix | frac | clip | cmod | random cmpgt | cmpge | cmplt | cmple | cmpeq | cmpne | tstgt | tstge | tstlt | tstle | tsteq | tstne jump input | output | pause | proof | info | cls | printn | prints | read | write | save adrof | get | put ::= init | nop | mode | halt | err | exit ::= _var | _dim | _lab | _config | _name | _end ::= | |